Hello, I'm Domantas

I'm a paid social media specialist who specializes in e-commerce growth.
See Case Studies

Hello, I'm Domantas

I'm a paid social media specialist who specializes in e-commerce growth. 
See Case Studies

...And This is My Story

It all started when I was homeless & had not many coins in my pocket... Kidding. I was never homeless, though, the part about coins could be true. Jokes aside, it all started when I decided it was time to take control into my hands and show the kids around the globe how to scale businesses & scale them fast. That's when I decided to become a growth hacker. And before you ask, yes, growth hacking IS legal!

Five years have passed since & I can tell you that even though you don't know me yet, I have a solid track record of assisting DTC brands in acquiring customers profitably through media buying and ad creative creation. In other words, I simply know what works & when it does, you better hold the reins tight because it's a hell of a ride. 

But let's go back a few years in time. In 2018 I started working with one of the largest eCommerce marketing agencies. I could tell you its name now, but that could result in you leaving this site to go & google the agency out, so let's keep it for later. So, while I was rocking & rolling in the agency, I had the pleasure of managing multiple clients with a team of media buyers, video & graphics designers, CRO experts, and copywriters. Not only I had to oversee this cross-functional team, but I was also in charge of the acquisition strategy for some of the top-tier clients. But that didn't stop there. At some point, it made sense for me to either build my own eCommerce store and grow further & faster or stay where I was & progress much slower.
You sure know what I chose, right. At that time, I had a proven formula that could quickly scale eCommerce brands from 50k-100k to over $10mm in yearly revenue. What I didn't have, was a proven formula to grow these businesses from $0 to $50-100k in monthly revenue. I simply never got the chance to do that, so I smelled a pretty good challenge there. 

In January 2020, I stopped working with all of the clients to launch two eCommerce brands from zero, the beauty one & the dog supplements one. Was it all easy & fun from day 1? Not really. I mean, it was fun, but it wasn't easy. However, all that hard work paid off. 

Five months in, and we finally had a chance to enjoy the fruits. The beauty brand reached a fat $100k in monthly revenue with over 3x ROI, while the dog supplements brand reached a slightly slimmer $60k in monthly revenue mark with 3.2x ROI. 

At that point, I knew that my goal to crack the formula of how to scale a brand from $0 to $100 was achieved. I learned what it's like to be behind the eCommerce wheel from day one. 
So then I asked myself, what's next? Well, there is no joy in knowing what it takes to build a business unless you can share that knowledge with others & help them grow. That's when I decided to dedicate part of my time to assisting other entrepreneurs to build & scale their brands with less investment and with better results. That's when I decided to become a Good Strategist. 
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How Can I Help You?




Media Buying

Determining the overall strategy for the project, understanding the problems the project is currently facing and preparing the solutions to these problems are the most  important steps before going any further.
I provide campaign management for Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat ads. To scale ad accounts, my media buying processes mainly focus on creative + copy testing and data-driven research.





I'm collaborating with some of the greatest e-commerce ads editors to create Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok ads. Our creative ideas rely heavily on extensive research on your target audience, pain points & your product solution.
I have expert copywriters writing ad copies that sell. Together we test different messages constantly to find the angles that will help keep profitable ROI and scale the business further.



Determining the overall strategy for the project, understanding the problems the project is currently having and preparing the solutions to these problems is important before going further.


Media Buying

I provide campaign management for Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat ads, to scale ad accounts, my media buying process mainly focuses on creative + copy testing and data-driven research.



I've collaborated with some of the greatest e-commerce ads editors to create Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok ads for my clients. The Ideas on the creatives heavily rely on extensive research on your target audience, pain points & your product solution.



I have expert copywriters who write all of the ad copy for my project's ad campaigns. Testing different messaging constantly is key to finding the angles that will help keep profitable ROI and scale the business.

Case Studies


Sleekier, a haircare brand, focuses primarily on solving dandruff or dry flakes problems for women. The one big issue in a market like this is that most available solutions are not natural and do more harm than good.
Read Case Study

Lively Paws

Lively Paws is a dog supplements brand that helps dogs reach their optimal health. As a brand, they solve three different problems: joint pain, digestion & stress/anxiety.
Read Case Study

Blog Posts


  • "Domantas is not only a marketing strategist; he's one of the most creative marketing geniuses I've ever met

    From solving complex product-related problems to dealing with clients to building an A-team - he knows the secrets of it all. No wonder he scaled multiple eCommerce brands to 7 figures in annual revenue and built an entirely new brand from the ground up. Domantas knows what it takes to scale an account. Putting his knowledge, skills & experience aside, I admire Domantas' consistency, stress resistance & reliability. He's the guy every business owner would want by his side.

    Kris Sugatan

    CEO Of Sugatan
  • "I had a great opportunity to work with Domantas on one of my eCommerce projects

    During that time Domantas has proven himself to be a top-notch digital marketing lead. He was able to take over a running digital marketing operation, hire additional talent to fill the gaps, and build a structure around a previously chaotic team. His deep Facebook advertising expertise and team management skills enabled us to quickly hit five-figure months. Finally, Domantas’ cross-channel understanding is a rare skill that can stabilize and further scale an existing eCommerce business. I truly enjoyed working with Domantas and hope to work with him again soon.

    Julius Urbonavičius

    Founder & CEO at Multiple eCommerce Brands
  • "Domantas is just crazy about e-Commerce business.

    He started off with his own store and now is helping others to succeed in the game. He's always on top of the game, studies hard, consequently comes up with new ideas on how to use Facebook Advertising, Instagram Advertising, Google Display Network or any other paid advertising platform. Furthermore, he's passionate about finding new products and scaling the stores to 6 or 7 figures. Cannot recommend him highly enough!"

    Deividas Mikočionis

    CEO Of Sugatan

Let's Talk

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